10 Essential AWS CLI Commands Every Cloud Engineer Should Know
Mastering the AWS CLI: Streamline Cloud Management with These Must-Know Commands
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a versatile Command Line Interface (CLI) that empowers cloud engineers with powerful tools to manage AWS resources efficiently. In this article, we'll explore 10 essential AWS CLI commands that every cloud engineer should be familiar with.
1. aws ec2 describe-instances
This command provides detailed information about your EC2 instances, including instance IDs, states, IP addresses, and more. It's a fundamental command for monitoring and managing your virtual machines.
Use Case: Monitor and manage EC2 instances.
Example: Retrieve information about all running instances in your AWS account.
aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[].Instances[]'
2. aws s3 cp
The aws s3 cp command allows you to copy files between your local machine and Amazon S3 buckets. It's a handy way to upload and download files to and from the cloud.
Use Case: Copy files to and from Amazon S3 buckets.
Example: Upload a local file to an S3 bucket.
aws s3 cp local-file.txt s3://my-bucket/
3. aws ec2 create-instance
Creating EC2 instances is a core task for cloud engineers. This command lets you launch new instances with specified configurations, such as instance type, security groups, and more.
Use Case: Launch new EC2 instances.
Example: Create a new t2.micro instance using an Amazon Linux AMI.
aws ec2 create-instances --image-id ami-0123456789abcdef0 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name MyKeyPair
4. aws rds create-db-instance
When working with relational databases, the aws rds create-db-instance command helps you create new Amazon RDS database instances. You can define database engine, instance size, storage, and more.
Use Case: Create new Amazon RDS database instances.
Example: Launch an RDS instance with MySQL engine and specified settings.
aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier mydbinstance --engine mysql --allocated-storage 20 --db-instance-class db.t2.micro
5. aws cloudformation create-stack
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is crucial for managing AWS resources. With the aws cloudformation create-stack command, you can deploy CloudFormation stacks to provision and manage resources in a consistent and repeatable manner.
Use Case: Deploy CloudFormation stacks for resource provisioning.
Example: Create a CloudFormation stack from a template file.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name my-stack --template-body file://template.json
6. aws lambda create-function
AWS Lambda allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. The aws lambda create-function command helps you create new Lambda functions, specifying the runtime, handler, and other settings.
Use Case: Create new AWS Lambda functions.
Example: Create a new Lambda function using Python runtime.
aws lambda create-function --function-name my-function --runtime python3.8 --handler lambda_function.handler --role arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/lambda-role
7. aws ecs create-service
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) simplifies containerized application deployment. The aws ecs create-service command lets you create and manage ECS services, scaling your containerized applications seamlessly.
Use Case: Create and manage ECS services for containerized applications.
Example: Create an ECS service for a specified task definition.
aws ecs create-service --cluster my-cluster --service-name my-service --task-definition my-task-definition --desired-count 2
8. aws ssm put-parameter
Systems Manager Parameter Store is a convenient way to store and manage configuration data. The aws ssm put-parameter command allows you to store parameters securely and retrieve them in your applications.
Use Case: Store and manage configuration data using Systems Manager Parameter Store.
Example: Store a secure string parameter.
aws ssm put-parameter --name /myapp/database-password --value mysecretpassword --type SecureString
9. aws dynamodb create-table
For NoSQL database needs, DynamoDB is a powerful solution. The aws dynamodb create-table command lets you define and create new DynamoDB tables with specified attributes, keys, and capacity settings.
Use Case: Define and create new DynamoDB tables.
Example: Create a DynamoDB table with specified attributes and keys.
aws dynamodb create-table --table-name Music --attribute-definitions AttributeName=Artist,AttributeType=S AttributeName=SongTitle,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=Artist,KeyType=HASH AttributeName=SongTitle,KeyType=RANGE --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5
10. aws apigateway create-rest-api
Creating RESTful APIs is essential for building scalable and secure applications. The aws apigateway create-rest-api command enables you to establish API endpoints, methods, and integrations with other AWS services.
Use Case: Establish RESTful APIs for applications.
Example: Create a new REST API.
aws apigateway create-rest-api --name MyAPI --description "My API Description"
These 10 AWS CLI commands provide a solid foundation for cloud engineers to manage, deploy, and maintain resources on the AWS cloud. Whether you're provisioning instances, managing databases, or deploying serverless functions, mastering these commands will enhance your efficiency and effectiveness as a cloud engineer.
Remember, the AWS CLI is a versatile tool, and there are many more commands available for various AWS services. As you continue your cloud journey, you'll discover additional commands that suit your specific needs.
Note: Make sure to install and configure the AWS CLI on your local machine before using these commands.
Happy cloud engineering!
Pro Tips:
Use the
command-line interface to effortlessly manage AWS resources.Leverage the power of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with
aws cloudformation create-stack
.Simplify your application deployment with
aws ecs create-service
for containerized applications.Explore more AWS CLI commands as you advance in your cloud engineering journey.
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